https://www.beautypalace.com.tw/custom_132543.html 把水果打成果汁的飽足感效果和吃水果一樣嗎? 把水果打成果汁的飽足感效果和吃水果一樣嗎? 把水果打成果汁的飽足感效果和吃水果一樣嗎? 【麗風堂王玫君醫師編輯】之前分享了多吃蔬菜水果可以幫助減重及預防肥胖,但是很多人就是不喜歡吃蔬菜水果,有人說,我都把水果打成果汁,不是一樣嗎?其實很久以前就有人做過這方面的研究了,我們來看看。1977年,Haber等人的研究報告,比較完整的蘋果、蘋果泥和蘋果汁的飽足感,結果:蘋果比果泥更令人滿意,果泥又比果汁更令人滿意。 蘋果和果泥帶來的飽足感增加至少持續了兩個小時[1]。1981年,Bolton等人的研究,評估等糖量的柳橙和柳橙汁以及葡萄和葡萄汁的飽足感,證實吃完整水果後的飽足感比喝果汁後的飽足感更高,而且食慾的恢復被延遲[2]。2009年,另一個蘋果的實驗,58 名成年人每週一次,持續5 週,在餐前攝取不同形式的蘋果(蘋果、蘋果醬和蘋果汁),然後在15 分鐘後隨意食用午餐。 結果顯示,蘋果比蘋果醬或蘋果汁更能增加飽足感, 當受試者在午餐開始時吃蘋果片時,與吃蘋果醬相比,他們的午餐熱量攝取量減少了91 kcal ,與飲用蘋果汁相比,午餐能熱量攝入量減少了150 kcal 以上[3]。2013年,Houchins等人研究證實,與食用固體水果相比,飲用水果飲料的飽足感較低,隨後餐點的攝取量較高,且每日總能量攝取量明顯較高[4]。☀ 固體蔬菜水果和蔬果汁的纖維含量不同許多研究發現,食用固體水果比食用相同量的果汁更能降低飢餓感。人們提出了許多理由來解釋,有人認為,這是由於纖維含量的差異造成的 [1-2],纖維含量會影響能量攝取和飽足感[5-6]。固體水果保留完整纖維,能夠提供較足夠的飽足感,根據研究,當以富含纖維的食物代替缺乏纖維的食物時,確實能夠減少熱量的攝取[9-11]。☀ 增加咀嚼會增加飽足感並減少熱量攝取此外, 研究證實,增加咀嚼會啟動涉及新陳代謝相關的消化液反應,進而影響食物攝取[12-14]。食用不同形式的水果需要不同的咀嚼程度, 蘋果需要大量咀嚼,而蘋果汁則不需要咀嚼。 吃固體蘋果所需的咀嚼增加可能導致飽足感增加和隨後的食物攝取量減少[15]。結論:水果經過研磨攪碎之後,纖維多少會被破壞,打成果汁則破壞更多。固體和液體水果,飽足感不同,除了取決於固體水果的纖維含量豐富,還取決於咀嚼纖維的程度。在減重時,完整固體的水果,才能真正增加飽足感,幫助我們減少熱量攝取,將水果打成果汁的效果和原形水果是不一樣的。  麗風堂中醫診所 台北市中山區中山北路二段12號2樓 02-25113660 營業時間:      週一至週五 下午1:00~4:30 ; 晚上5:30~9:00      週六 下午1:00~4:30 加入LINE好友,線上諮詢更方便 網路掛號/查詢/取消 ReferenceHaber, G. B., Heaton, K. W., Murphy, D., & Burroughs, L. F. (1977). DEPLETION AND DISRUPTION OF DIETARY FIBRE. The Lancet, 310(8040), 679–682. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(77)90494-9 Bolton, R. P., Heaton, K. W., & Burroughs, L. F. (1981). The role of dietary fiber in satiety, glucose, and insulin: studies with fruit and fruit juice. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 34(2), 211–217. doi:10.1093/ajcn/34.2.211 Flood-Obbagy, J. E., & Rolls, B. J. (2009). The effect of fruit in different forms on energy intake and satiety at a meal. Appetite, 52(2), 416–422. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.12.001Houchins JA, Tan SY, Campbell WW, Mattes RD. Effects of fruit and vegetable, consumed in solid vs beverage forms, on acute and chronic appetitive responses in lean and obese adults. Int J Obes (Lond). 2013 Aug;37(8):1109-15. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2012.183. Epub 2012 Nov 20. PMID: 23164702; PMCID: PMC3582731.Burton-Freeman, B. (2000). Dietary Fiber and Energy Regulation. The Journal of Nutrition, 130(2), 272S–275S. doi:10.1093/jn/130.2.272sHowarth NC, Saltzman E, Roberts SB. Dietary fiber and weight regulation. Nutr Rev. 2001 May;59(5):129-39. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2001.tb07001.x. PMID: 11396693.Houchins, Jenny A.; Burgess, John R.; Campbell, Wayne W.; Daniel, James R.; Ferruzzi, Mario G.; McCabe, George P.; Mattes, Richard D. (2012). Beverage vs. Solid Fruits and Vegetables: Effects on Energy Intake and Body Weight. Obesity, 20(9), 1844–1850. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.192 MATTES, R. (2005). Soup and satiety☆. Physiology & Behavior, 83(5), 739–747. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2004.09.021Heaton, K. W. (1973). FOOD FIBRE AS AN OBSTACLE TO ENERGY INTAKE. The Lancet, 302(7843), 1418–1421. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(73)92806-7 Macrae, T. F., Hutchinson, J. C. D., Irwin, J. O., Bacon, J. S. D., & McDougall, E. I. (1942). Comparative digestibility of wholemeal and white breads and the effect of the degree of fineness of grinding on the former. Journal of Hygiene, 42(04), 423–435. doi:10.1017/s0022172400035634 Mickelsen, O., Makdani, D. D., Cotton, R. H., Titcomb, S. T., Colmey, J. C., & Gatty, R. (1979). Effects of a high fiber bread diet on weight loss in college-age males. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32(8), 1703–1709. doi:10.1093/ajcn/32.8.1703 Lavin, J., French, S., Ruxton, C., & Read, N. (2002). An investigation of the role of oro-sensory stimulation in sugar satiety? International Journal of Obesity, 26(3), 384–388. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0801829 Teff KL, Engelman K. Oral sensory stimulation improves glucose tolerance in humans: effects on insulin, C-peptide, and glucagon. Am J Physiol. 1996 Jun;270(6 Pt 2):R1371-9. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.1996.270.6.R1371. PMID: 8764306.Teff, K. L., Levin, B. E., & Engelman, K. (1993). Oral sensory stimulation in men: effects on insulin, C-peptide, and catecholamines. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 265(6), R1223–R1230. doi:10.1152/ajpregu.1993.265.6.R1223Flood-Obbagy, J. E., & Rolls, B. J. (2009). The effect of fruit in different forms on energy intake and satiety at a meal. Appetite, 52(2), 416–422. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.12.001
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首頁 健康專欄 把水果打成果汁的飽足感效果和吃水果一樣嗎?





1977年,Haber等人的研究報告,比較完整的蘋果、蘋果泥和蘋果汁的飽足感,結果:蘋果比果泥更令人滿意,果泥又比果汁更令人滿意。 蘋果和果泥帶來的飽足感增加至少持續了兩個小時[1]。
2009年,另一個蘋果的實驗,58 名成年人每週一次,持續5 週,在餐前攝取不同形式的蘋果(蘋果、蘋果醬和蘋果汁),然後在15 分鐘後隨意食用午餐。 結果顯示,蘋果比蘋果醬或蘋果汁更能增加飽足感, 當受試者在午餐開始時吃蘋果片時,與吃蘋果醬相比,他們的午餐熱量攝取量減少了91 kcal ,與飲用蘋果汁相比,午餐能熱量攝入量減少了150 kcal 以上[3]。

☀ 固體蔬菜水果和蔬果汁的纖維含量不同

許多研究發現,食用固體水果比食用相同量的果汁更能降低飢餓感。人們提出了許多理由來解釋,有人認為,這是由於纖維含量的差異造成的 [1-2],纖維含量會影響能量攝取和飽足感[5-6]。

☀ 增加咀嚼會增加飽足感並減少熱量攝取

此外, 研究證實,增加咀嚼會啟動涉及新陳代謝相關的消化液反應,進而影響食物攝取[12-14]。食用不同形式的水果需要不同的咀嚼程度, 蘋果需要大量咀嚼,而蘋果汁則不需要咀嚼。 吃固體蘋果所需的咀嚼增加可能導致飽足感增加和隨後的食物攝取量減少[15]。



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Haber, G. B., Heaton, K. W., Murphy, D., & Burroughs, L. F. (1977). DEPLETION AND DISRUPTION OF DIETARY FIBRE. The Lancet, 310(8040), 679–682. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(77)90494-9
Bolton, R. P., Heaton, K. W., & Burroughs, L. F. (1981). The role of dietary fiber in satiety, glucose, and insulin: studies with fruit and fruit juice. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 34(2), 211–217. doi:10.1093/ajcn/34.2.211
Flood-Obbagy, J. E., & Rolls, B. J. (2009). The effect of fruit in different forms on energy intake and satiety at a meal. Appetite, 52(2), 416–422. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.12.001
Houchins JA, Tan SY, Campbell WW, Mattes RD. Effects of fruit and vegetable, consumed in solid vs beverage forms, on acute and chronic appetitive responses in lean and obese adults. Int J Obes (Lond). 2013 Aug;37(8):1109-15. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2012.183. Epub 2012 Nov 20. PMID: 23164702; PMCID: PMC3582731.
Burton-Freeman, B. (2000). Dietary Fiber and Energy Regulation. The Journal of Nutrition, 130(2), 272S–275S. doi:10.1093/jn/130.2.272s
Howarth NC, Saltzman E, Roberts SB. Dietary fiber and weight regulation. Nutr Rev. 2001 May;59(5):129-39. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2001.tb07001.x. PMID: 11396693.
Houchins, Jenny A.; Burgess, John R.; Campbell, Wayne W.; Daniel, James R.; Ferruzzi, Mario G.; McCabe, George P.; Mattes, Richard D. (2012). Beverage vs. Solid Fruits and Vegetables: Effects on Energy Intake and Body Weight. Obesity, 20(9), 1844–1850. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.192
MATTES, R. (2005). Soup and satiety☆. Physiology & Behavior, 83(5), 739–747. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2004.09.021
Heaton, K. W. (1973). FOOD FIBRE AS AN OBSTACLE TO ENERGY INTAKE. The Lancet, 302(7843), 1418–1421. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(73)92806-7
Macrae, T. F., Hutchinson, J. C. D., Irwin, J. O., Bacon, J. S. D., & McDougall, E. I. (1942). Comparative digestibility of wholemeal and white breads and the effect of the degree of fineness of grinding on the former. Journal of Hygiene, 42(04), 423–435. doi:10.1017/s0022172400035634
Mickelsen, O., Makdani, D. D., Cotton, R. H., Titcomb, S. T., Colmey, J. C., & Gatty, R. (1979). Effects of a high fiber bread diet on weight loss in college-age males. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32(8), 1703–1709. doi:10.1093/ajcn/32.8.1703
Lavin, J., French, S., Ruxton, C., & Read, N. (2002). An investigation of the role of oro-sensory stimulation in sugar satiety? International Journal of Obesity, 26(3), 384–388. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0801829
Teff KL, Engelman K. Oral sensory stimulation improves glucose tolerance in humans: effects on insulin, C-peptide, and glucagon. Am J Physiol. 1996 Jun;270(6 Pt 2):R1371-9. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.1996.270.6.R1371. PMID: 8764306.
Teff, K. L., Levin, B. E., & Engelman, K. (1993). Oral sensory stimulation in men: effects on insulin, C-peptide, and catecholamines. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 265(6), R1223–R1230. doi:10.1152/ajpregu.1993.265.6.R1223
Flood-Obbagy, J. E., & Rolls, B. J. (2009). The effect of fruit in different forms on energy intake and satiety at a meal. Appetite, 52(2), 416–422. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2008.12.001