https://www.beautypalace.com.tw/custom_132620.html 備孕3_備孕的女性可以喝酒和咖啡嗎 備孕3_備孕的女性可以喝酒和咖啡嗎 備孕的女性可以喝酒和咖啡嗎 【麗風堂王玫君醫師編輯】 咖啡因 咖啡因存在我們的日常飲食中,例如咖啡、茶、可樂和巧克力。關於備孕女性能不能攝取咖啡因這個問題,研究結果並不一致。一般來說,專家建議,計劃懷孕的女性應該將咖啡因攝取量限制在每天 200 至 300 毫克以內。以7-11的咖啡為例,一杯大杯熱美式的咖啡因是237.7毫克,現在許多商店的咖啡都有標示咖啡因,可以自行參考。 酒精酒精是一種已知的致畸劑,產前飲酒是可能導致孕產婦發病、新生兒出生缺陷和發育障礙等。研究報告指出,孕前飲酒可能會使自然流產的風險增加 30%。(Windham GC,1997;Kesmodel U,2002)由於懷孕前和懷孕期間飲酒安全劑量的不確定性,一般建議女性從開始嘗試懷孕時起就避免飲酒。  麗風堂中醫診所 台北市中山區中山北路二段12號2樓 02-25113660 營業時間:      週一至週五 下午1:00~4:30 ; 晚上5:30~9:00      週六 下午1:00~4:30 加入LINE好友,線上諮詢更方便 網路掛號/查詢/取消 ReferencesLassi, Zohra S; Imam, Ayesha M; Dean, Sohni V; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A (2014). Preconception care: caffeine, smoking, alcohol, drugs and other environmental chemical/radiation exposure. Reproductive Health, 11(3 Supplement), S6–. doi:10.1186/1742-4755-11-S3-S6 Adina Y Lang, Jacqueline A Boyle, Grace L Fitzgerald, Helena Teede,Optimizing preconception health in women of reproductive age,Minerva Ginecol. 2018 Feb;70(1):99-119. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4784.17.04140-5.Tolstrup JS, Kjaer SK, Munk C, Madsen LB, Ottesen B, Bergholt T, Gronbaek M: Does caffeine and alcohol intake before pregnancy predict the occurrence of spontaneous abortion?. Human Reproduction. 2003, 18 (12): 2704-10.1093/humrep/deg480.Fenster L, Hubbard AE, Swan SH, Windham GC, Waller K, Hiatt RA, Benowitz N: Caffeinated beverages, decaffeinated coffee, and spontaneous abortion. Epidemiology. 1997, 8 (5): 515-523. 10.1097/00001648-199709000-00008.Cnattingius S, Signorello LB, Anneren G, Clausson B, Ekbom A, Ljunger E, Blot WJ, McLaughlin JK, Petersson G, Rane A: Caffeine intake and the risk of first-trimester spontaneous abortion. New England Journal of Medicine. 2000, 343 (25): 1839-10.1056/NEJM200012213432503.Dominguez-Rojas V, de Juanes-Pardo JR, Astasio-Arbiza P, Ortega-Molina P, Gordillo-Florencio E: Spontaneous abortion in a hospital population: are tobacco and coffee intake risk factors?. European journal of epidemiology. 1994, 10 (6): 665-668. 10.1007/BF01719278.Wen W, Shu XO, Jacobs DR, Brown JE: The associations of maternal caffeine consumption and nausea with spontaneous abortion. Epidemiology. 2001, 12 (1): 38-42. 10.1097/00001648-200101000-00008.Infante-Rivard C, Fernandez A, Gauthier R, David M, Rivard GE: Fetal loss associated with caffeine intake before and during pregnancy. Jama. 1993, 270 (24): 2940-10.1001/jama.1993.03510240052031.
https://www.beautypalace.com.tw/ 麗風堂中醫診所
首頁 健康專欄 備孕3_備孕的女性可以喝酒和咖啡嗎






一般來說,專家建議,計劃懷孕的女性應該將咖啡因攝取量限制在每天 200 至 300 毫克以內。以7-11的咖啡為例,一杯大杯熱美式的咖啡因是237.7毫克,現在許多商店的咖啡都有標示咖啡因,可以自行參考。



研究報告指出,孕前飲酒可能會使自然流產的風險增加 30%。(Windham GC,1997;Kesmodel U,2002)

61c442121e599904013d97edec175bc2.png 麗風堂中醫診所
38d0cc21754fbf98b3397cf6f916ec19.jpg 營業時間:
      週一至週五 下午1:00~4:30 ; 晚上5:30~9:00
      週六 下午1:00~4:30
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Lassi, Zohra S; Imam, Ayesha M; Dean, Sohni V; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A (2014). Preconception care: caffeine, smoking, alcohol, drugs and other environmental chemical/radiation exposure. Reproductive Health, 11(3 Supplement), S6–. doi:10.1186/1742-4755-11-S3-S6
Adina Y Lang, Jacqueline A Boyle, Grace L Fitzgerald, Helena Teede,Optimizing preconception health in women of reproductive age,Minerva Ginecol. 2018 Feb;70(1):99-119. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4784.17.04140-5.
Tolstrup JS, Kjaer SK, Munk C, Madsen LB, Ottesen B, Bergholt T, Gronbaek M: Does caffeine and alcohol intake before pregnancy predict the occurrence of spontaneous abortion?. Human Reproduction. 2003, 18 (12): 2704-10.1093/humrep/deg480.
Fenster L, Hubbard AE, Swan SH, Windham GC, Waller K, Hiatt RA, Benowitz N: Caffeinated beverages, decaffeinated coffee, and spontaneous abortion. Epidemiology. 1997, 8 (5): 515-523. 10.1097/00001648-199709000-00008.
Cnattingius S, Signorello LB, Anneren G, Clausson B, Ekbom A, Ljunger E, Blot WJ, McLaughlin JK, Petersson G, Rane A: Caffeine intake and the risk of first-trimester spontaneous abortion. New England Journal of Medicine. 2000, 343 (25): 1839-10.1056/NEJM200012213432503.
Dominguez-Rojas V, de Juanes-Pardo JR, Astasio-Arbiza P, Ortega-Molina P, Gordillo-Florencio E: Spontaneous abortion in a hospital population: are tobacco and coffee intake risk factors?. European journal of epidemiology. 1994, 10 (6): 665-668. 10.1007/BF01719278.
Wen W, Shu XO, Jacobs DR, Brown JE: The associations of maternal caffeine consumption and nausea with spontaneous abortion. Epidemiology. 2001, 12 (1): 38-42. 10.1097/00001648-200101000-00008.
Infante-Rivard C, Fernandez A, Gauthier R, David M, Rivard GE: Fetal loss associated with caffeine intake before and during pregnancy. Jama. 1993, 270 (24): 2940-10.1001/jama.1993.03510240052031.